Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Turkiye expanding relgious and cultural freedoms

The Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) will launch programs for the Alevi community during the first 12 days of Muharram, a month held sacred by them. Alevi beliefs and practices are quite different from the more common Sunni Islam. The decision came only days after the broadcasts for TRT’s first Kurdish channel, which aired last Thursday. Alevis, thought to number around 6 to 12 million (out of 72M Turks), have for long complained about being deprived of their cultural and religious rights. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) recently devised a new initiative to find solutions to problems faced by the Alevi community.

Praise the Lord for the majority Sunni Muslim Turks making room for others.
Pray this freedom and acceptance would expand to Christians as well.

Monday, December 29, 2008

#38 The Lost Boys of Sudan Dominic's Story

Dominic shares some of his story of adjusting to life in the USA as a refugee from Sudan.

GlobalCAST is a ministry for YWAM Colorado Springs ...live the story!

Monday, December 22, 2008

#37 Prayer that transforms spheres of society

Jenny and Laurie chat about how prayer can be the context for followers of Christ to understand God's desire to bring transformation to the sphere's of society that they live and work in.

GlobalCAST is a ministry of YWAM Colorado Springs... live the story!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christians are being killed in Orissa

Please pray for the Christians in Orissa India.

There is a new wave of systematic violence against Christians in Orissa.
Go to www.friendsofOrissa.org to see what you can do to stop the violence.

Fox News Report

Radio Public Service Announcement

The power of prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ during this dark time is the most effective thing all believers can do. Pray for their safety, courage to stand strong, and pray that barriers to restoration of the peace, relief aid, rebuilding lives be removed today. Pray that Christians in India and around the world will support efforts to stop this current course of genocide to prevent a mass genocide of hundreds of thousands or even millions if not checked now.

1. Pray for a movement of God in withdrawing the 'Hate Campaigns' against Christians.
2. Pray for the peace to be restored immediately in all places and levels.
3. Pray for the bereaved families who have lost their near and dear ones.
4. Pray for the thousands of Christians who live either in the jungle or relief camps.
5. Pray that God would minister, console and encourage all and remove their fears.
6. Pray for the churches of all denominations and levels have been affected greatly by this violence.
7. Pray for the rebuilding of houses, churches and mission centers burnt in the violence.
8.Pray for the 51 different IMA member missions that are working in Orissa.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Muslims make Pilgrimage

More than two million Muslim pilgrims gathered around a mountain east of Mecca on Sunday at the peak of the Hajj to beg God's forgiveness, chanting "O God, I am answering your call!" Pilgrims trickling to the area where they will pray until sunset set up thousands of tents in a vast plain.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Count it all Joy—Reflections on Suffering

Count it all Joy—Reflections on Suffering  

Suffering in all of its various forms is a central theme of the Bible. How we respond to the suffering and injustice around us, or that which we personally experience, matters to God. From Haiti to India and Georgia to Southern Africa, YWAMers have stood alongside those suffering through a variety of situations in 2008, and in many cases have suffered themselves because of their Christian witness. 
In the December prayer letter, YWAM Chairman Lynn Green presents thoughts on a Christian response to suffering, followed by reflections on suffering from around the world, told by those who’ve experienced suffering personally or were working closely with those who suffered. We are exhorted in the Bible to “consider it pure joy” (James 1:2) and to stand in the gap for those who are suffering, which we ask you to do during your prayer time on Thursday, December 4.

Additional resources. Here's a link to a Gregory Boyd video teaching about suffering: [ javascript:void(0);/*1227784405635*/ ]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4228731679569222656&hl=en.
Please note that these are Dr. Boyd's personal views and not the official position of YWAM International.